Father Marko Ivan Rupnik is a Slovenian-born former Jesuit priest renowned for his
contributions to sacred art, particularly his distinctive mosaics that adorn numerous churches and chapels worldwide. He founded the Centro Aletti in Rome, an artistic community dedicated to the creation of sacred art. Rupnik has faced multiple allegations of abuse spanning several decades. In the 1990s, while serving as a spiritual director in Slovenia, he was accused of sexually and psychologically abusing numerous nuns. One victim reported that Rupnik coerced her and another nun into sexual acts, misusing his spiritual authority to manipulate them.
In 2019, Rupnik was convicted by the Holy See for the ecclesiastical crime of absolution of
an accomplice, having absolved a woman in confession after engaging in sexual activity with
her. This led to his excommunication, which was very quickly lifted, some might say under
unusual circumstances.
In March 2020, Pope Francis approved Father Marko Rupnik to temporarily stand in for
Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, the Preacher of the Papal Household, to deliver